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Uncategorized Microblading Tool >> Eyebrow Tutorial For Sparse Brows + Milani Weekend Brow Review

Microblading Tool >> Eyebrow Tutorial For Sparse Brows + Milani Weekend Brow Review

পোস্ট করেছেন: delwer master | প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: ফেব্রুয়ারি ৭, ২০২২ , ৭:৪১ অপরাহ্ণ | বিভাগ: Uncategorized

Don’t forget to give it a thumbs up it really helps out if you love this type of content that go ahead and subscribe to my channel I am always really happy to produce this kind of content for you and know it really helps you out when you’re just getting started also this interview is an exclusive event with my innovate different types of microblading, create group coaching ladies I do group coaching for entrepreneurs getting started in the PM new industry and a if you’re interested eyebrows microblading.Not just a hit down below I’ll leave a few links don’t forget to follow me on Instagram as marcel Medina coach and over on Facebook, I’ll leave all the links below let’s connect say hi leave a comment below just interact let’s check it out, hello everybody and welcome to today’s very very special phone call, so I am very thrilled to invite to host a banana, she is the founder of browse it.Hello, I’ve been following you for quite a while and so I’m super thrilled when you accepted our invitation to come, speak to us a this is an exclusive event for innovating create ladies and they create micro coaching program for women in the mu industry, um who want to grow their businesses and be very successful and work smarter and not harder, I’m just gonna give you the floor and let you introduce yourself and tell us about the great topic you have for us in store today.Absolutely will thank you for having me first and foremost it’s such a pleasure to be a part of this community, um and it’s really been a passion of mine to also help empower people who are newer to the industry or looking to improve their skill sets as well, um, so basically my history is I was born and raised in winnipeg manitoba and I started off in university and took business courses and after about two years of being in university really found that. The learning style there wasn’t conducive to my learning style and you know I’ve now realized I’m not alone in a lot of people find that university isn’t the type of learning style for them, so after two years and go into a bit of a depression I decided to achieve my life and switch gears altogether and choose something that really I was passionate about and at the time it was makeup and so I went to Toronto I learned, um.Everything from beauty to TV to prosthetic makeup loved it I worked in the industry for about three and a half four years and after a while I had that itch again that he did something more I needed something different, so I ended up moving back to winnipeg and going back to business school because that for me was I guess the only thing to do is to go back and learn more and so during that time I didn’t want to go back to the restaurant industry or bartending or anything like that, so I really decided, I wanted to use my skill set and at the time, um, my first instinct was like well I’m really good at brows I specialized in it, while I was in Toronto and I did makeup, so I started my first in home studio, I’m out of my condo I purchased like a.A broken barber chair was literally broken and it was 75 dollars and I refurbished eleven to it and um.Started taking shaping and teaching clients out of there and then I had people coming to me, asking you know what can you do for me I have no eyebrows and.At that time I was like what am I supposed to do for you have no eyebrows and so I wanted to offer them a service I wanted to be able to help them and the first thing that popped into my guess.Whine that I was going down was actually eyebrow extensions have you ever heard that before yeah, um, yeah I was very I guess I have my own opinion about them yeah so I’m just gonna say they suck so I am I like took so much, um. I like put so much faith into them like this is the next best thing I’m going to love what I am doing and with eyebrow extensions and I invested like fifteen hundred dollars into it which is like all the money I had at the time and they failed I had clients calling me and complaining and wanting to come back and get them refilled like the next day or the day after, and it just wasn’t sustainable, so like there has to be something better there actually has to be something better, so I started calling around and trying to get more information and it was at the time almost like.No one knew what micro blading was no one had any idea what permanent cosmetics really wiser, the education behind it were left.Sorry, what year was this more or less’s is probably I’m gonna say about six and a half seven years ago, so yeah it’s really grown since then tremendously and so yeah and basically I kind of said like in my own head I’m like there has to be something better, what if you just put like little tiny tattoos that look like hair strokes like it kind of popped in my mind and I was like well I don’t know if that’s a thing, so I started calling around to see if I could get permanent cosmetics and maybe make my own like staying up and then all of a sudden vented, it basically yeah no it was already invented, but it was just like oh, what is right and so I ended up calling around and there was somebody in Toronto who’s like oh have you heard of micro blading and I was like.Nope, zai and so she’s like don’t waste your money on finding eyebrow session courses because that’s a waste of money, this is the next best thing, and I was like.Okay like I’ve already spent, you know fifteen hundred dollars the only money I have and now I’m gonna go spend another, you know 3000 dollars to learn this, so I basically was like well if I’m gonna do I’m gonna do it.And when I learned the skill set.And I came back and did not have the education that I should have had it wasn’t, um.It didn’t cover like health and safety or what I needed or anything like that, so coming back was a huge learning curve for me like what I needed to have in terms of health and safety and everything and that’s a whole rabbit hole that we can get down but basically I just started small and I was the first one to bring it to my PEG, and I really built my business off of word of mouth and from starting in my in-house studio I boot strapped everything that I did I reinvested in myself and I was able to now I now have 25 employees to locations I train across Canada and I’ve now built over a million Dollar company.So it’s crazy where you can take yourself if you just apply yourself, so I’m gonna take you through the ten steps to really thinking about your PM new business as a whole I’m giving you some tips and tricks as to really what worked for me in my company and hopefully that you can take something home and apply them to your own life into your own businesses.So let’s get started.So step one is get clear on your vision, now, what does that mean so your vision is what you want for yourself what you want for your company, what you want for your clients so a few questions I like to ponder or ask when I ask people what is your vision for your business is you know usually a few things the first one is.Do you want to work for yourself and have you weighed the pros and cons of working for yourself first and foremost of everything that goes into it a if you do want to work for yourself and you have the right intentions behind it then.How do you want your customers to feel when they walk in the door what’s their experience like.What do you want them to see when they walk in like I really want you to think about every little detail of that customer experience because that is really what’s gonna set you apart from your competition, where do you want to perform your services do you want them to feel comfortable when you perform your services.Why did you want to become a pi mu artist like what is your story because this is going to really add into creating your marketing plan later on, why did you want to become a PM yours, from the beginning, why should they book with you this, this part right here, why they should book with you, this is called your value proposition, this is what’s gonna make you different, and if you can identify exactly why they should work with you then you’re gonna have a really easy time when it comes to market yourself and selling yourself, so that’s really important.SO.Now in terms of getting clear on your vision, this is just about writing it down so you can either take some time and journal about you can open up a voice note on your phone and just start brainstorming you can write down on a whiteboard whatever works for you I highly recommend just getting your thoughts from your brain to paper because getting them out is really what’s going to move them forward, um, so let’s move on to step two once you have your vision.It’s really important to now take that vision and put it into a plan and the plan is something like a business plan a marketing strategy or like I said just writing your vision down on paper and basically getting it out in physical form so.If you at a certain point ever do require you know an investor or funding from your bank you’re going to have to be able to produce a business plan and business plans are really good for not only that, but also these other two functions which are if you have a team later on and you want to align yourself and your team with those values or that mission or that vision having a business plan makes it really clear so that everyone’s on the same page.Um, it also helps you if you want to set measurable goals, so if you want to track your progress against what you did last month in the last six months of last year, um and then you can hold yourself and others accountable to those measurable goals so.The last one was those that thirdparty investor or bank, so a business time will really secure you because zisk an support.Basically, any objective you want to do it just gives you a clear vision as to where you wanna go with your company and it puts it all down, so that everyone’s on the same page, basically a well run business requires setting up a specific objective, assigning responsibility timelines and really measuring your results so it’s actually crazy, how many businesses can succeed without a business plan, but I think it’s really risky, if you don’t have one because sometimes when you take shortcuts and let’s say later on down the road, you don’t want to own your business anymore, you want to move on to something else.Then you need to have these things in place and show what you’ve been able to accomplish and checking in with business line is a really great way to do that.Um I just made myself I wanted to ask you a.Be on people’s minds right now, mhm.How does one um, how does one go about making a business plan like if if one has never tried to do this is something that you actually did like to Google how to do, how to make a business plan absolutely so.Like developing a well in today’s business plan, it can be a very powerful tool and how I actually did it was basically you can go on Google and look at templates, but sometimes if you don’t understand what certain areas are asking you, or you don’t understand how to do a competitive analysis or spot analysis, it can take some time to truly understand the depth of the business plan, so there’s a there’s a you know three great options that you have if you’re just figuring out how to do this, the first one is to find a mentor, so somebody who is either really good at writing a business plan has run a business before can offer you some guidance on how to write it out or make it really clear for yourself.Template one I really love to use is off a future printer, um, its future printer Canada so I’m not sure for those of you who might be in the state, I’m sure that that template will be a good a baseline for you, but make sure that you also include other things that maybe are required in the us as well, like a printer, an entrepreneur in the future future printer. Future printer, yeah F U T U R P R E N U E R okay, yeah, another great website would be score S C O R E it has some great financial time template, so definitely check that out, um, and then the third option is you can hire somebody to help you, that is a really easy way, um you know your business better than anyone else that they can actually help take those ideas and all of your knowledge and apply it to business line, it can get a bit costly, but you want to make sure that if you want to be successful and you want to secure funding that you have somebody who’s really strong in that area to help you develop that.Secure funding that seems like wow like next level stuff like you have investors you gone out and done that already.Yeah, so my business was featured on dragons den which is almost like shark tank in the us, so like secure funding could be anything from like if you need to secure funding to open up your first shop or you need money to buy supplies or take out a line of credit for larger orders, or you wanna like start your own product line whatever that may be for you know the individual who’s looking into it securing funding can be anything from like 5000 dollars to a hundred thousand dollars upwards, so anything that you do banks angel investors, um, any institution, even like if you’re in Canada future printer is a great resource for finding especially if the bait will give it to you um, they just need to see and understand where that money is going to and it’s almost like a risk profile for them to see okay, can I invest in this person, is this going to be a good investment for me and so that business plan shows that your org.Nice and that you know what you want to put that money towards number three is take action on your plan, so this is where you put all of your planning to work, so what I really like to do especially after I get all my thoughts down is I put myself in the position of my customer and I like to focus on the customer, basically from their perspective, what do you think would really wow them or really have them coming back to you or talking to their friends and and you know promoting you with word of mouth and that’s really really easy, advertising, um, you want to validate your assumptions with your customers, so were your assumptions with who or monster needs, PM me you correct, so in your plan, when you created your demographic person like my ideal clientele is anywhere from eighteen to thirty and she’s be you know trendy woman or this not or is it like fifty to you know 65 year old who needs PM you.You no longer can see in the mirror like who is your ideal client health and then you want to go out and validate that by seeing what types of customers are coming in, um, you know who is really attracted to what you’re doing what types of customers, you get coming in your door, so that’s a really great way to validate and then you want to see if your marketing plan because you’re gonna add a little bit of that into your business plan, hopefully is it working like have you decided where you want to Mark it, Facebook Instagram Youtube word of mouth influence a radio there’s so many different platforms that you can.Advertise on which ones are you testing which one’s working for you and how do you adjust, if it’s not and are you on the right platforms like are you researching where most people are in your demographic, are you understanding what they want or what they want to see.Maybe it’s before and after photos, maybe it’s an educational component, so it’s really important to go out there and test that market, um, the other thing is you want to impress your customers and create an amazing experience for them so creating a seamless customer experience from start to finish from like the time when they book online or in person with you to when they leave and check out how are you making that whole experience completely seamless for your customer so that they were just like wow that was so easy, that was so fantastic I can’t wait to tell my friends about it, so keep that in mind because if you focus on the customer I promise you you’ll get more customers, um, you want to ensure that your customers receiving value for what they just paid for do you value yourself as an individual as an artist or are you trying to just cut to the lowest price and maybe you’re just getting that kind of clientele so you really have to try to find where you fit in the market.And then you know go from there and start making changes or figure out what’s really working for you, and then the last thing is the follow up with customers are you checking in with them, you know a day later a week later a month later, are they happy, what do they you know what could you do to help alleviate any questions that they had along the process, or maybe they leave and you told them ten times their brows were going to be extremely dark upon leaving but they’re still freaking out the next day, maybe giving them a phone call just like hey I’m here with you remember I told you yesterday that your brows are gonna be really dark, yeah I’m just checking in on you to make sure that you’re so OK with them right like little things that will help your customers just like oh she’s thinking of me, yeah she did say that, and oh maybe I shouldn’t overreact, so how do you anticipate their needs before they actually have a freak out or, um, you know come to you with a thousand questions and waste your time in that regard, so it’s really important to. Like anticipate you know put it out there and then it will make it so much easier in the long term for you.I hope that makes sense.Now step four is implementing process, so for those of you just starting out or maybe building your businesses, you know you have to think about your booking services are making it really easy for people to book with you are your consent forms.Seamless have you had a lawyer look over them, um have you given the information to your clients prior to them coming in for their service, that’s really important because sometimes people come in they’re like oh I didn’t know if I had this that I can’t get this service done well if you set them all the information prior to that’s really gonna alleviate any unknowns are like oh I just booked off two hours for this client and now I can’t do it.